About SIMTech-NTU Joint Laboratory

SIMTech-NTU Joint Laboratory is a joint collaboration between the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech).

About Us

The mission of the SIMTech-NTU Joint Laboratory and Collaborative Research Programme on Complex Systems in Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Networks is to be a leading research laboratory in addressing the complexities of manufacturing systems and supply chains through the multi-disciplinary approaches, while developing the competencies through the basic research and skilled manpower for the industry. In particular, the joint lab is founded to conduct research, to educate, train and endow the research students and staff with computational intelligence and complex systems technologies that address the complexities of future digital manufacturing, thus gearing Singapore in embracing towards the challenges of the envisioned Factory-of-the-Future. The scientific landscape of manufacturing systems both in Singapore and worldwide continues to change as the field evolves. It is anticipated that additional new scientific insights and technological advance would greatly impact the continued growth in this area.

Today, the number of personnel with major specialization in Complex Systems hired by the academia and industry remains small, yet, the professional requirements are high and include a thorough education in

  • mathematics and operations research
  • computational intelligence, data analytics and machine learning
  • manufacturing sciences

Since Complex Systems related applications in the real world occur at the cutting edge of the field, professionals in this field need to have the credible research experience.


To address the complexities of manufacturing operations and supply chain networks, while gearing towards the envisioned Factory-of-the-Future.


To be a leading research laboratory in addressing the complexities of manufacturing systems and supply chains through the multi-disciplinary approaches, while developing skilled manpower for the industry.

Joint Lab Team

  • Leverage expertise of SIMTECH & SCSE to support the Collaborative Complex System Programme
  • Provide a Platform to facilitate the active interdisciplinary collaboration between the two organisations in the frontier research of Complex Systems in Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain
  • Launching a PhD Programme relating to the Complex Systems

Team NTU

Team SIMTech